
Hello, I'm
Box design
Box design
Box design

Kennedy Barros

A Product Design based in Brazil, with an aim to create human experience that feel good.

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Picture kennedy

I'm Kennedy

Product Designer & Front end Enthusiast

I'm a product designer with over two years of experience, and I love working with my clients to understand their goals and produce effective visual communication.

My experience covers a wide range of projects. I have worked with consultancies and agencies as a UX/UI Designer, and I also have some development skills.

Currently, I have experience designing for the web, apps, and systems. I have also built components for a design system using Figma


Latest projects

I've done personal work from different stages showing various stages to create some truly unique designs. Here are some of my most challenging yet rewarding projects.

research, brandbook and dashboard

Class Dashboard

Class is a dashboard that allows you to create and manage your course, helping you to communicate directly with students through video call and call. It is also designed for you to get all the information possible.

style guide, ui design and handoff

Bank Next

Redesign Bank Next is a project with the objective of improving the presentation of the current site, creating a project that involved UI/UX Designer from the Research part to the Handoff for the developers.

style guide, user flow and app

Fastsy Delivery

Fastsy is a project with the objective of using Human Interface Design (iOS) standards in the App, also developing a project using design methodologies from wireframes to usability Testing.


Get in contact

Reach out if you want to talk to me about product design and visual, creating software products or having a creative conversation.

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